Change Your Life
Healing family - Base chakra
Healing relationships - Sacral chakra
Step into your own power - Solar-plexus chakra
Generating energy from the heart - Heart chakra
Using will power to direct your life- Throat chakra
Visualise with conscious intent - Third-eye chakra
Coming into your own - Crown chakra
Relax your body, mind & emotions
Healing parts of the body associated with the
Base chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Sacral chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Solar-plexus chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Heart chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Throat chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Third-eye chakra
Healing parts of the body associated with the Crown chakra
A guide to your higher self
E-book - The Alternative approach to healing
Relaxation & Healing
The Beach
Meeting your fears
A Walk in the forest
The crystal pyamid
Emotional freedom
Utube Video Links
Unconditional Love and Triggers
DISCLAIMER: Videhya makes no claim of ownership. This is simply an energetic sharing; a suggestion of what is already inherent in all. It does not in any way suggest not to seek a health care professional if there is a need. All communications from Videhya - The Natural Way are provided for general information purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice, professional counselling or mental health professionals. If assistance is needed, please consult your physician or health care professional.